Friday, April 9, 2010

What are the chances? Our Travel Genie

Years ago we learned to trust our travel genie.
The travel genie first made itself known to us on a late afternoon outside the gardens of Villandry. Tom had lost himself in painting these extravagant gardens well past a reasonable time to find lodging for the evening. Trying to be positive Susan helped carry painting gear to the car thinking it would be a long night sleeping cuddled up with an easel. With everything stowed in its place we settled in to figure out where we should aim for a place to stay. As Tom turned the key in the ignition we noticed a small card tucked under the windshield wiper. There was the name of a bed and breakfast with directions from the gates of Villandry to the gate of the farmhouse.

What magician had left this note here for us? How had they known we would need help at this late hour? Was there any hope that it would lead to an available bed? The tiniest chance of finding dinner?
Magic. Just go with it. And so we did. 
The bed was tucked under the eaves of a converted barn, the dinner was market day fresh and the hosts were absolutely charming. We stayed for two nights.

From this evening on we have been true believers in the travel genie. Be open, follow good leads and enjoy what is at the other end.
The gardens at Villandry.

Other ways to lose oneself at Villandry.

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