What are the first things you notice in spring?
I used to be obsessed with the growth of the green leaves. Their arrival was the true sign of spring.

Continuing a wonderful chain of friends, introducing friends to the magic of Bourdeilles, France, we bring you this website.
Who we are is Tom and Susan Vieth. Tom is an artist. Susan keeps everything in our lives somewhat straight so that Tom can stay lost in his painting.
After 22 years of loving Vermont and having tremendous success with Tom’s art career we are making a new bold move - we are now living in Bourdeilles,France.
It all started ten years ago when Tom proposed we buy a house so he could have a settled place to make his watercolors while in France. Being the practical one Susan said, “No, that’s what one does when they are 60 - 70.” Tom’s response was that at that age we might not be able to make it to France. So 6 months later we had ‘the little house in France’.
We are now on to new adventures and this blog is being created to share these experiences as well as showcase weekly cartoons and sketches by Tom. And to keep you posted on new opportunities that we cook up--such as tours in our region of France, products from our region and watercolors from Tom’s sketch book.
Wish us luck, keep in touch and let us know if you are in the area of our small village in France. Life moves; hold on!
The yellowing of the weeping willows, the trill of the red-winged blackbird, the flush of white flowers of the serviceberry, and the no-turning-back chorus of the spring peepers! As time goes by, I find the leafing out of the trees to be like a curtain closing on the views of the wonderful details of the terrain--the contours of the land, the cliffs and rocks, the interesting spaces we can only see when the leaves are down. But I still try to enjoy what nature brings every day.
I've been trying to remember if there are peepers in our part of France. They will be truly missed if not. There are however cuckoos in the hills. No one ever sees them but we hear them every evening on our walks.
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